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Auberge d'Arimont can be reached from Malmédy by following the direction of Waimes, until you see the Arimont exit. The map below can  help you with that.

Address: Rue drî l'Corti 7 4960 Malmedy

GPS Coordinates: N50°25'263" E6°04'054"

Phone: 0032 494 93 95 32


Route description: From Liège: follow direction Verviers (E40, then E42).
Leave the E42 at exit 11 and follow Malmedy.
In Malmedy, follow the direction of Waimes, past the Carrefour department store, 200 m after crossing the Ravel, turn left (route de Hottleux).
Then the first left (Chemin du Chateau) and the second right (Rue Drî l'Corti)

The Friends of Nature house Auberge d'Arimont  is managed by volunteer workers from the department  Hove-Kontich of the Friends of Nature. "De Natuurvrienden" is a socio-cultural organization that is committed to sustainable tourism within everyone's reach.
If you want to learn more about the Friends of Nature, click on this link .

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