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Autumn chore week great success!


Through the newsletter of ATB-De Natuurvrienden, the Hove-Kontich department made an appeal to help with odd jobs in our Nature Friends House.

The Aarschot and Rotselaar departments as well as the secretariat sent (some of) their troops and they did mountains of work!

In addition, there was also a bevy of faithful from our own ranks who helped carry out the many works and jobs on the job list.

From Monday to Sunday, different shifts were at work, from house and garden maintenance to the room 7 renovation project.

At the end of a working day, a nice meal was then cooked so that everyone, tired but satisfied, could enjoy a well-deserved night's sleep.

Everyone worked according to their own ability and pace but when we look at how much work was done, the board can only conclude that there is a lot of knowledge and especially good will among the Naturefriends and we wish to thank everyone for their efforts. With such a result, the Naturefriends can be proud of their members!

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